
Daily Chore Chart for Moms Printable

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Daily Chore Chart for Moms Printable


Getting a child to complete his/her chores is a herculean task nowadays but leading them by an example will make a mom's life easy. Children always imitate their parents. They inculcate their behavior and habits from what they see in their parents. If I ask my son to clean his room or pick up his toys, he gives me a frown look.

Video: https://youtu.be/kIjce7m0py0

Children don't like to be told what needs to be done. They want to have control over their tasks and decisions such as what activity needs to be done, what clothes to wear. They like to be authoritative as that is what we usually project infront of them.

Thus, we came up with a child proof Chore Chart for Mom!

Mothers don't need a chart for parenting. However, this chore chart is for kids to tick and help maintain the sanity of moms. This chart would help the children be a responsible partner in the journey of gentle parenting. This chart is what every kid will love and is also a safe option for mommies to allow their kids be authoritative as it asks their moms to perform certain chores on daily basis.

These are very cute chores which helps in proper bonding between mommy n child and also ensure that they have a healthy relationship. There are wonderful chores such as:

Hugs & Kisses on Wakeup

Prepare Breakfast

No Shouting (this helps in achieving gentle parenting)

No Angry (this prevents stress and overreacting)


Read (a beautiful time spent together in reading)

Did Activities (mommies often get overwhlemed with a huge resource available online. But when doing activities becomes a daily chore even a simple coloring activity for kids can be a great one together)

Made me Laugh (we are so behind our kids, always nagging them to achieve something that we forget to do nothing and just laugh with them. This chore ensures we have a good time)

and many more.....

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